House at Pooh Corner

Thursday, October 26, 2006

. the world is moving *faster than i thought*

First of all, I did not do the judging. Readers did and asumed to conclusion.
Please read my post carefully. *I was just referencing a person in my discussion of thoughts*
my words/sentences are always open sentences. everyone think differently & there might not be a correct answer to it.

This is my blog & i'm only commenting about the changes which is happening in our society today compared to the one I had.

Please note that i also did not pick on her. This post was supposed to be about, "time passed; things change."

I did not denied that our society now must be exactly how it happened to me 6 years ago.

Things change. 'For good' and also 'for bad'. *then it become an experience and we might tresure it for the future*

Different surrounding have different happenings. We grew and breed in different location. Our circle of friends will not be the same too. Peers have a huge influence in our lives, which actually makes every single person grow in withing that circle and beyond.

When time pass, or when we get mature, we have different toughts too. Experience come in handy at this time.

May everyone have a wonderful & memorable childhood.

i rest my case, again.
