House at Pooh Corner

Saturday, April 21, 2007

jamnya berdetik...

aq lapar... gimana neh???
makan dong... begok!!!!...
oh iye... benaran... makan je...
masih punya teman (indomie) baek aq, yg di ''pesawat'kan sm teh botol dr indo, trip CNY nya...
kekekeke... trima kasih buanyak buanyak meL...

*off i go to cook my indo mie... *

aq harus uplaod gambar-gambar indo mie sm teh botol aq neh... bagi mrk yg ga bs merasainya.. kekekeke...
harap2 gambar neh dpt melakukan magik nya.. lol... *brain starts going cloud9*

okay, my indo suCks... been super long since i speak indo neh... its juz another emo post... have not been 'indo-ing' much lately.. coz udah lama ga ketemu sm si amel neh.. gara2 asgns limkok neh.. salahkan limkok... kekekeke...

thx lots for those who wasted their time & read this post... lol....

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